A Beautiful Birth!

January 20, 2016  •  Leave a Comment

So... On December 15, 2015.. at 8:36pm.. I had the privilege of witnessing an amazing woman give birth to a beautiful baby boy, as her husband and children cheered her on.

Mrs.C has been a client of mine for a few years now. Back when her twins were just little munchkins running around. Now, they're big kids with an enormous imaginations and intelligence beyond their years! The last time they were in Virginia, momma was pregnant with peanut #3. They moved across the country, but, as usual, made their way back to good ol' Virginia ;)

We had spoken briefly about the possibility of me photographing baby #4's birth, and I must say, I was so excited! Not only would I get to be a part of something so amazing, but I was being trusted to be in a mother's space for this rather intimate moment in life!

On the evening of December 15th, my family and I were at church when I received back-to-back phone calls from Mrs.C's cell phone. After listening to a hushed voicemail from Mr.C explaining that baby was on its way, we clearly had to get our belongings and head on home! I arrived at their home at 8:22, adjusted my camera settings, managed to get a few shots of momma laboring... and a couple pushes later, Baby C was here!!

**side note: I'm SO glad I didn't stop for that cup of coffee I was thinking about!!**

This beautiful baby boy came into the world absolutely surrounded by love! I'm sure Momma and Papa wouldn't have it any other way :)

Once again, thank you, Mrs.C, for allowing me into your birth space to witness something so beautiful!

Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth Baby C Birth



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